Discrete MathematicsHomework #131.A planar graph $G$ with $χ(G)=4$ is shown a...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #121.$\textbf{(1)}$We havevertices, contradictin...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #111.The graph is drawn as follows:2.Let the fri...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #101.$\textbf{(a)}$ Since that "Every person lik...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #91.To provewhich is true because both sides hav...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #81.Let $A=\neg q\lor r$, $B=s\land p$, $C=\neg ...
Discrete MathematicsMidterm Examination1.$\textbf{(a)}$ Since that $p$ is a p...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #71.According to the Theorem that
Discrete MathematicsHomework #61.Let $A=P_0,P_1,P_2,\cdots,P_k=B$ be a route ...
Discrete MathematicsHomework #51.Let $a$ be any element in the set $A$. Then,...